Displaying 211 - 240 of 255 in total

Tearing Down

What happens when we tear down the work done by the Church in generations past?

Being Complete

He makes us complete every day.

Helping or Serving

What's the difference between helping and serving those in need? Our own hearts.

Actions, Reactions, and #BeBetter

It's not enough to be "no worse than" the world. Christ calls us to #BeBetter. To answer to a higher call, a higher standard.

Understanding Riots

For the first time, I can understand why people resort to rioting...and I owe the insight to fiction.

Digging Out the Roots

We're told not to cause our fellow Christians offense...but how do we dig out the roots of sin?

The Right View of God

Is your faith is God as He is...or as you want Him to be?


What expectations are you clinging to or struggling with today?


We all need encouragers in our lives...and to be one too.

Battling the Beast

View the original blog post: http://roseannamwhite.blogspot.com/2010/11/thoughtful-about-battling-beast.htmlSponsored by:Bookish Tees and Totes ~ T-shirts and tote bag...


Is your life cluttered by things?

Not A Flower

View the original blog post: http://roseannamwhite.blogspot.com/2018/12/thoughtful-about-not-flower.htmlSponsored by:Bookish Tees and Totes ~ T-shirts and tote bags ma...


View the original blog post: http://roseannamwhite.blogspot.com/2011/04/thoughtful-about-imagination.htmlSponsored by:Bookish Tees and Totes ~ T-shirts and tote bags m...

The Compassion Conundrum

He calls us to love nothing before Him...yet show our love for Him by loving others.

Holding On

View the original blog post: http://roseannamwhite.blogspot.com/2011/01/thoughtful-about-holding-on.htmlSponsored by:Bookish Tees and Totes ~ T-shirts and tote bags ma...

Words of Praise

A few words of praise to a God who is worthy.

Empty Places

How can lack feel like a physical thing? And how do we thank God for tit?

The Purpose of Praise

Why does God tell us to praise Him?

Preparing Our Hearts to Knock

What are you willing to sacrifice for someone ELSE'S calling?


"Clean your finger before you point at my spots." ~ Benjamin Franklin


What are we blind to in ourselves?

Writing and Passion

What are you willing to suffer for? For me, writing makes the list.

When We're Pressed

When we're pressed, pressured, under stress, what comes out of us? Whatever's inside.

Lord of the Nooks and Crannies

He isn't just the God of the whirlwind...He's also the God of the whisper.

Taking Up Our Cross

If He called you to give it all up today, would you REALLY?

Dread of the Cross

Was it the death Jesus was dreading the garden before He was arrested...or something else?

Our Daily Cross

Following Him is a decision we make anew day after day, when we pick up our cross.

Lost Truth

What walls have we built inside ourselves, hiding His Truth?

Trials and Temptations

How are we to "consider it joy" when we fall into trials?